IRON88 began as a "Private Wealth Group" comprised of "UHNW" (Ultra High-Net Worth) individuals subscribing as Members, to access a long list of Proprietary Benefits exclusively available to our Membership. Our Members quickly came to realize the immense value of those Benefits, available via our designated licensed Affiliates. This is how we maintain our foundation, and your lifestyle.

Through our "Bespoke Personal Concierge" service, we are then able to customize experiential opportunities for our Members; often things that money cannot buy. Members gain access to everything "Luxe", from custom-tailored vacation itineraries, to private jet reservations.

And while you DO NOT need to be a IRON88 Member to take advantage of our Lending Programs, Members receive Preferential Interest Rates any time they finance Projects through our affiliate companies ("FundingNet" and "FilmCabbage") that can translate into Millions of Dollars in savings alone.

Embrace the Benefits of Membership

"Life is both busy and complex. Membership in IRON88 Group helps balance those challenges by fulfilling Financing Needs, while at the same time providing "VIP" Lifestyle experiences only accessible through our "longstanding relationship portals".

Members are assigned a "Private Concierge," who will personally handle all of your lifestyle requirements for you, tailoring the perfect, customized experience fully designed to match your particular needs and desires.

IRON88 Members understand that along with the creation and preservation of great wealth comes an inherent responsibility to give back to those who are less fortunate. As a result, IRON88 also incorporates a remarkably powerful philanthropic model that allows us to support Global Charities.

This is carved into our motto;

"Wealth, Charity, Prosperity"

Be Excited Again...

IRON88 is your excuse to dream again.

As our Business and Family life continue to collide, the lines between them often become "blurred". Our endeavour to create the best life for ourselves, and security for our loved ones, causes us to delay many of our dreams until "later".

IRON88 is the impetus for you to finally enjoy all of the spoils that you have worked tirelessly to achieve, because we can make virtually anything accessible - which leads to boundless fun, and lifelong memories for you and yours.

We deliver your 'perfect tomorrow" ...

PROJECT LOANS for IRON88 Group Members


That is Correct.

From the total number of loan files that have been presented to our compliance/underwriting team,

the number of loans that have been declined is LESS THAN 3% OF TOTAL FILE SUBMISSIONS.

  • No need for " 3 years tax records."
  • No credit checks.
  • No Personal Guarantees required.
  • No upfront fees.
  • Interest-Only Loan.
  • Your "qualifying capital" always remains under your control.
  • Your capital earns 5% per year interest.

Our Lending Team - FundingNet & FilmCabbage

It is important to understand that one does NOT need to be a "Private Member" of IRON88 Group in order to gain access to our Lending Affiliates and their Loan Programs. These opportunities are available to anyone who wishes to apply for a Loan, and is approved through the standard underwriting process. What you should understand is that while you can approach these affiliates yourself, you can only receive preferential terms and conditions when you are introduced to them through IRON88 Group.

Then, with a Private Membership, there are a number of further enhanced proprietary benefits which are not limited to, but include, Preferred Interest Rates, and/or Preferred Terms, on our Loans.

For nearly 20 years, FundingNet has been providing "Private Wholesale Loans" to "hard to fund" Projects, at unmatched Rates, Terms and Conditions.

FilmCabbage is your premiere Financing source for Film & Entertainment Projects. Created in 2016, "FilmCabbage" was designed to cater to the unique and specific needs of this niche market.

With capital for the Entertainment industry visibly dwindling, and the cost of funds greatly increasing, we decided that it was time to create a Lending Arm that catered to this vertical, in a manner that was more user-oriented.

FilmCabbage is structured to help you leverage your funds into a Credit Facility that can take your Projects to the finish line. Be sure to investigate our NEW "1-1 Deposit Recycling Program", as it will attract "investors" to your Projects because of the great profits, and fast exits that allow these much-needed capital sources to cycle their money.

"Atypical" Lending Programs

Because our Lending Programs are derived solely within our "Private Group", and are not structured as a typical "Retail Lender," some Borrowers approach us as somewhat of a "Lender of Last Resort".

Once they understand our lending terms and capabilities however, Borrowers are usually taken aback when they discover that a "Private" Lender does not have to be a more difficult or expensive option. With NO Upfront Fees to deal with, our affiliate Loan Programs actually provide Rates and Terms that are far more appealing than anything found in the retail loan marketplace. Here, you will be systematically guided through the processes to determine if there is a "fit" between you and our Lending arms.

If our processes are appealing and workable for you, and you can position your Project to fit within the Loan parameters that you are provided, then there is a very good chance that you have found your Lender.

IRON88 Group in Numbers:

14.25 B

Net Private Global Financings since 2005 in Billions of Dollars.


Number of Countries in which IRON88 Group has representation.


Number of direct IRON88 Associates. 

Free Consultation

We welcome an introductory call with you and your team. Please feel free to send us an email outlining your needs, and we will have an Associate contact you to discuss your interests.

Book a consultation

“At IRON88 Group, we utilize the benefits of our own "privilege" not only to assist you in maintaining the preferred lifestyle of our Members, but to also work towards the betterment of society through our Philanthropical endeavours as a Group."

What Our Clients Say ...

We used to always have to spend upwards of $250,000 in fees to secure our loans - FundingNet was able to get our business financed without all of the upfront fees.

Jared S.

We have been working

with this group in excess

of 10 years, but now they

have evolved their

Programs to levels we

never thought possible.


Cory C.

We looked for months for a

Lender who would accept

our Project, and after finally

finding FundingNet, we were

financed for over $20M and

got our business moving.

Ghopal S.

We heard about the new "Project Sponsor" Program and proceeded with cautious optimism. It is exactly as advertised. I only wish I had access to these kinds of returns sooner!


News & Updates

March 7, 2024
The Borrower's Qualifying Capital ("QC") is NEVER "at risk".
By S. Smith March 11, 2023
12% Annual Rates Paid Monthly, for Private Lenders
By A. Christopher March 11, 2023
Show More
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